Flourish is a Christ-centered ministry, focused on encouraging and equipping mothers to flourish in their relationship with God, their families, and their communities. From community groups, workshops and events, and online content, we hope to walk alongside you as you flourish for the glory of the Lord.

Natalie Haber, founder of Flourish is a passionate Jesus follower and prayer warrior, wife to Bruce, and mother of five incredible children. She knows firsthand the benefits of walking closely with the Lord, and being known by Him. Through God-given passion, wisdom and vulnerability, she loves to encourage women to walk in their God-given calling in all facets of life.

Flourish Events

When you come to a Flourish event, you can expect to come into a space prepared with you in mind. You start by walking into a beautiful environment. You are then greeted with a warm cup of coffee or tea, delicious food and joined with friends around a table while you are encouraged in motherhood with Biblical truths and practical application. We also want to provide a place for connection with other women who are on a similar journey! Our goal is for you to leave feeling refreshed, encouraged and ready to step back into your home with a hope-filled heart that is ready to embrace the mission of motherhood!

Summer Community Group

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